Termékek pet g sheet (20)

Háziállat – G Sheets

Háziállat – G Sheets

Pet – G Sheets
Lapos habpárnák 115mm x 115mm - FFP

Lapos habpárnák 115mm x 115mm - FFP

SANDING FFP 0320Flat foam pad - 150 x 150mm - Primer prep FFP 0500Flat foam pad - 150 x 150mm - Base coat prep FFP 0800Flat foam pad - 150 x 150mm - Clear coat prep FFP 1500Flat foam pad - 150 x 150mm - Clear coat fade
FELT Padok - 30x30mm

FELT Padok - 30x30mm

It is known that our Felt Floor Protector Pads manufactured from Nonwoven Felt material in various shapes and sizes, are used to protect the floor from getting scratched also with the help of sticking to the furniture legs strongly thanks to our good quality hot-melt glue. Our Felt Floor Protector Pads of different sizes and colours present a superior performance by matching and protecting the furnitures and the floors.
ESD Antisztatikus Padlómat - Munkapadok és Munkaterületek

ESD Antisztatikus Padlómat - Munkapadok és Munkaterületek

Tapis de sol antistatique ESD - Etablis et postes de travail RÉFÉRENCE:01 008 0410
ABS MG Lemezek

ABS MG Lemezek

Akrilonitril-butdien-stiren ABS, her biri kendi yararlı özelliklerini sunan üç farklı malzemenin akrilonitril, bütadien ve stirenin birleşimidir.
PEEK GF 30 lap - 70% PEEK + 30% üvegszál erősített

PEEK GF 30 lap - 70% PEEK + 30% üvegszál erősített

Esta é uma modificação especial PEEK com aditivo de 30% de fibra de vidro que a ARKPEEK fabrica sob o nome comercial PEEK GF30. Quando comparado ao PEEK não preenchido, este material com reforço de fibra de vidro exibe resistência mecânica aumentada e alta rigidez. Além disso, resistência à fluência e estabilidade dimensional aprimoradas são alcançadas pelo PEEK GF30. Todas estas propriedades tornam este material adequado para uso em peças expostas a altas cargas estáticas, por longos períodos e em condições de alta temperatura. Como as fibras de vidro tendem, em alguns casos, a ter um efeito abrasivo considerável nas superfícies de contato, o ARKPEEK GF30 é menos adequado para aplicações de deslize ou de desgaste. Designação química:PEEK (Poli-éter-éter-cetona) Cor:bege Densidade:1,53 g/cm3 dureza:dureza melhorada chama:inerentemente retardante de chama química:boa resistência química hidrólise:resistente a hidrólise e vapor superaquecido dureza:alta dureza dimensional:alta estabilidade dimensional radiação:resistente a radiação de alta energia
PTFE Lapok

PTFE Lapok

Erwerben Sie PTFE Platten im Format 2.000 x 1.000 mm in vielen verschiedenen Stärken bis 100 mm. ✓ Exzellente Chemikalienbeständigkeit ✓ Dauergebrauchstemperatur bis zu 260 °C ✓ Hervorragende Gleit-/ Reibungseigenschaften
Silikonlapok és Formavágások (Hőálló)

Silikonlapok és Formavágások (Hőálló)

Plattenmaterial in Vollsilikon (bis 300°C) hitzebeständig. Erhältlich als Platte, Größe: 1,2 m² oder als Formzuschnitt nach Kundenwunsch (wasserstrahlgeschnitten)
Zárható Kényelem Ágy - Méhsejt Mintás Ultra Tartós Háziállat Ágy

Zárható Kényelem Ágy - Méhsejt Mintás Ultra Tartós Háziállat Ágy

Hayvan yatağı olarak kullanıldığında arı peteği deseniyle rahat uyku ve hareket sağlar. Zemin ve mat arasında oluşan hava boşlukları ile ısı izolasyonu maksimumdur. Esneklik ve yüzey dokusu kaymayı engeller. Kilitli kenarlar kolay ve pratik kurulum sağlar. Üründe kullanılan 1. sınıf kortlu hamur dayanıklılık ve uzun yıllar kullanım olanağı sağlar.
MELEN 100 (PE-100 DIBt) extralap - MELEN 100 (PE-100 DIBt) extralap

MELEN 100 (PE-100 DIBt) extralap - MELEN 100 (PE-100 DIBt) extralap

MELEN 100 (PE-100 DIBt) extr.sheets DIBt - approved moulding material suitable for chemical plant and equipment engineering, drinking and waste water technology Properties - high resistance against chemicals causing stress cracking (FNCT > 1000 h) - ideal for deep drawn applications - easy to weld - physiologically harmless - operating temperature from -50 to +80°C - low weight - normally inflammable DIN 4102-B2 - good machinability - excellent electrical insulation properties - shock and impact resistant Standard sizes 2000x1000x 4-50mm 3000x1500x 4-40mm 4000x2000x 4-50mm available in different colors
Gurított Sütőszalagok

Gurított Sütőszalagok

Gewalzte Backgurte
Alumíniumlemezek - Online eladó

Alumíniumlemezek - Online eladó

Sullo store online di AS Protezioni è possibile trovare in vendita online lamiere in alluminio anodizzato, lamiere in ferro zincato e pannelli in policarbonato. Le lamiere - di diverso spessore - possono essere acquistate su misura.
Lemez tömítések - D 5.8 GAZDASÁG

Lemez tömítések - D 5.8 GAZDASÁG

High temperatur sheet gasket from expanded graphite with stainless steel foil reinforcement Characteristics One layer of 0.05 mm stainless steel carrier (3 mm thickness 2 layers) with graphite on both sides fixed by a special only 10 µm thick adhesive coating. Purity 98 % Practically no cold flow or creep under temperature Excellent in use at cycling temperatures Very good sealability even at low gasket stress. Technical parameters pH 0 - 14 Temperature: t = -250 … +550 °C, in oxidizing atmosphere 450 °C Pressure: p = 40 bar Main application Suitable for sensitive flange connections Housings of pumps and fittings Suitable for In all industries Approvals BAM DVGW Variant Economic grade alternative D 5.2 with 0.05 mm stainless steel foil reinforcement Form of delivery Gasket sheet size of 1,000 x 1,000 mm in der Dicke 0.55 / 0.75 / 1.0 / 1.5 / 2.0 / 3.0 mm or cut gaskets according to drawing, or EN and international Standards. Special dimensions on request.


AFR-RB25 LD x CD x L x e:16 x 8 x 2 x 0,8, 16 x 8 x 2 x 1, 16 x 8 x 2 x 1,5 ACIER kg/m²:3,3, 4,1 ALUMINIUM kg/m²:1,4, 2,1 Formats maxi Panneaux mm:LD1000/1250/1500, CD > 3000 Epaisseur apparente (interne) mm:2 (int.) Vide frontal % Vide maxi:45 env.
Porellenőrző Spray

Porellenőrző Spray

Twapet li jwaħħlu li jikkontrollaw it-trab huma prodott li jwaħħal it-trab li jeħel waħdu ffurmat mill-materjali tal-Film tal-Polietilene b'Densità Baxxa. Twapet tal-art li jeħlu li jintremew għandhom super viscidity. Kull saff huwa mwaħħal b'kisja ta 'viskożità għolja, lixxa u durabbli, tista' malajr u b'mod effettiv tneħħi l-ħmieġ, it-trab biex iżżomm l-ambjent tax-xogħol nadif. Kontra l-Batterja, Reżistenti għat-Tikmix,. Kontra ż-Żlieq. Jista 'jneħħi b'mod effiċjenti t-trab minn qigħan taż-żraben u roti tal-karrettun. Ħalli l-ambjent tax-xogħol nadif u jimmassimizza biex itejjeb il-kwalità tal-arja. Il-kulur u d-daqs jistgħu jiġu personalizzati. Twapet li jwaħħlu għall-kontroll tat-trab jintużaw ħafna f'workshops mingħajr laboratorju, laboratorju, sptar, istituzzjonijiet mediċi, manifattura ta 'preċiżjoni, skola, hotal, eċċ
Kompozit panel rétegek

Kompozit panel rétegek

Composite Panel Layers Sheet Alloy - Condition:EN AW-3105 / H46 Aluminium Sheet Thickness:Top Sheet: 0,50mm (±0,02mm) Bottom Sheet: 0,50mm (±0,02mm) Composite Panel Total Thickness:4mm (±0,2mm) Filling:Depending On The Flammability Class - Thickness: 3mm Top Sheet Coating:Paint (20+5 micron) Bottom Sheet:Polyester Based Protective Paint
POM-C / POM C Lapok - POM-C / POM C Lapok

POM-C / POM C Lapok - POM-C / POM C Lapok

Asetal Levha, sunabileceği pek çok benzersiz avantaja sahip bir mühendislik plastiğidir ve müşterilerin Asetal Levhayı kullanmak için çok ve çeşitli nedenleri vardır.
PEEK Lemez Vágás - Műszaki Műanyag

PEEK Lemez Vágás - Műszaki Műanyag

PEEK (chemische Bezeichnung Polyetheretherketon) wird von PEEKCHINA als standardmäßige Halbzeuge für die Zerspanung hergestellt und mit PEEK in Form von Platten, Rundstäben und Hohlstäben extrudiert. PEEK ist ein einzigartiger, teilkristalliner, technischer Thermoplast, der eine hervorragende chemische Beständigkeit bietet. Aus dem Hochtemperatur Werkstoff PEEK hergestellte Bauteile können bei hohen Temperaturen von bis zu 260 °C zum Einsatz kommen und schmelzen bei ca. 341 °C. PEEK Kunststoffe kommen häufig in Umgebungen mit heißem Wasser oder Dampf zum Einsatz und behalten dort ihre physischen Eigenschaften wie Biegefestigkeit und Zugfestigkeit. Polyetheretherketon wird häufig lediglich als hochpreisiger technischer Thermoplast betrachtet. Erfahrene Anwender wissen jedoch den Mehrwert zu schätzen, den PEEK Werkstoffe bieten: nämlich die Möglichkeit, Bauteile herzustellen, die leichter und belastbarer sind und anspruchsvollen Einsatzbedingungen länger widerstehen können. Werkstoff:Polyetheretherketon Werkstoff Kurzbezeichnung:PEEK Einsatztemperatur max. kurzzeitig:+310 °C
Lemez tömítések - D 5.9 MAGAS NYOMÁS

Lemez tömítések - D 5.9 MAGAS NYOMÁS

Sheet gasket from expanded graphite with multilayer stainless steel foil reinforcement Characteristics Premium graphite gasket, reinforced by 0.05 mm multilayer stainless steel carriers in an adhesive free sandwich compound with the graphite layers. Purity 99.8 % High blow out safety and mechanical strength Practically no cold flow or creep under temperature Non hardening Excellent in use at cycling temperatures Reduced Emissions due to high sealability Built in safety against assembly and operational problems. Technical parameters pH 0 - 14 Temperature: t = -250 … +550 °C, in oxidizing atmosphere 450 °C Pressure: p = 250 bar Main application Highly recognised as problem solving gasket material in all industries with higher pressures and temperatures and the demand on operation safety and sealability Suitable for In all industries Approvals BAM DVGW TA Luft FIRE SAFE API 607 Variant Economic grade alternative D 5.3 with multiple 0.05 mm stainless steel foil...


AFR-GRAFICA LD x CD x L x e:100 x 40(34) x 10 x 1, 5, 100 x 40(34) x 10 x 2 ACIER kg/m²:6,9, 9,3 ALUMINIUM kg/m²:2,3, 3,1 Formats maxi Panneaux mm:LD1000/1250/1500 x 3000 ou LD2000/2500 x 2500 maxi Epaisseur apparente (interne) mm:15 Vide frontal % Vide maxi:51,5 env. 72